Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Scare

I was making dinner last night when I realized I didn't know where Chase was, so I began calling him just to check in (it had only been a few minutes since I had seen him, so don't think me too negligent!). Dave was in the house, and it would often be a safe bet that Chase was with him, but this time he wasn't, and so Dave casuaully began peeking in some of Chase's usual hiding spots, with no result. We have a relatively small house, and so it was only another couple seconds before we both became very alarmed, and with the same thought, we both dashed frantically out the front door - to discover Chase calmly "watering" the shrubs with the hose. The front door doesn't always catch properly, and while I am usually sure to lock it, it seems it was unlocked this time, and Chase had figured out how to hold it open and get out with very little commotion. We thanked God he had been distracted by the hose, because he loves to head full tilt for the road every time we're in the front yard.

It reminds me of the time quite a few years ago when my youngest sister - also the fourth baby - was about Chase's age. We were all outside and my mom had to go in for something. The details are fuzzy, of course, so I don't know if she asked the older ones to watch Erica or if she just assumed we would. I was about 11, I guess, so I probably should have been up to the task however it was given. Anyway, when Mom came back out Erica was missing, and we began searching for her, as my mom, I can only imagine, eyed the very busy road just a couple houses away. After some time, our dog Sparky began trying to get our attention, and in desperation, we followed him. Sure enough, he led us several houses away, to where Erica was sitting placidly on a neighbors' back porch. Sparky was SUCH a great dog! And of course we're thankful, too, that Erica never wandered into harm's way. :-)


Jenny said...

So glad he's ok! These things can happen so fast...I know we've had a couple of close calls here with only two kiddos to keep track of. (((hugs)))

Tracee said...

Phew, glad both Chase and Ericka are ok and didn't go into the road. That Sparky does sound like a great dog to have had around!