Monday, May 19, 2008

Growing Up

Well, it seems to be official - Ryan is POTTY-TRAINED! And before I could escort him to some secluded bushes or trees, he even demonstrated his new skills to all the parents, grandparents, and friends cheering on the teams at the tee-ball fields tonight. :-)

Later, when we were wrapping up a great evening together as a family (which had included dinner in the tree-fort for the kids, and lots of hysterical laughter over a game with a soccer ball and the trampoline), Ryan told me that he loved me. I had him repeat it, then tell Dave the same thing. "Did you hear that, Dave?" I asked. "He doesn't wuv us anymore!" We had him say it several more times, until he lapsed into saying, "I wuv you" again, but I know he's gradually conquering those "l" and "r" sounds. Funny how we can worry vaguely about whether or not he'll eventually say them, then when he does, we want the little Ryan back!


Jenny said...

Aw, such a big boy! LOL at the tee-ball incident. ;)

Hannah said...

That reminds me of Ian when he first potty-trained -- "behind a tree" meant behind ANY tree, including a spindly one in our front yard!

And I know what you mean; I dread the day when Eliza starts pronouncing her "r"s ...

Anonymous said...

Yes, growing up too fast. How funny about demonstrating those new potty skills!