Thursday, May 29, 2008


Last night before bedtime Dave took a trip to the store for a couple things we needed, and he took Chase along with me. When they returned, Chase had, to his obvious delight, a small beach ball, and he was almost instantly surrounded by his brothers the instant Dave put him down. Now, Drew and Ryan, as you can imagine, own countless balls, so Dave didn't feel at all bad about warning them to back off - the ball (very likely just from the free toy bin at the check-out) was Chase's only. Ryan, however - as you could probably also imagine - took no heed of this, and gleefully snatched the ball, at which Chase screamed in protest. It's a trademark sound that means "Ryan did it." :-) We instructed Ryan to give Chase the ball, which after a little parental persuasion, he did. This scene repeated itself at least two more times, screams included, as we carried the groceries to the kitchen, but as we were unloading the bags, Ryan lost interest in the ball - that is, until Chase walked up behind Ryan and began hitting him with the ball! "Do you see this?" I asked Dave incredulously (why I should have been incredulous, I don't know, as this sort of thing happens frequently). "He's practically asking for it!" Sure enough, this renewed Ryan's diabolical interest in the ball, and the snatching scenario began all over again. This time Drew thought he would take up Chase's cause, taking the ball from Ryan, who then let out the offended sibling shriek, and giving it to Chase. We redirected Drew, but not before Ryan had dissolved into a very loud heap of distressed three year-old and was asking for a particular form of maternal comfort. It was bedtime, after all, so I agreed, which immediately set off Chase's radar, and he, of course, felt he desperately needed the exact same thing. As I cared for one and held off the other as he climbed all over his brother in attempts to pry him from the coveted place, I wondered at this somewhat enigmatic brother relationship - the same relationship that bonds them so tightly that in the morning they'll be delighted to see each other, telling each other how much they love each other and giving enthusiastic hugs...which will turn into death sqeezes, followed by more screams...Maybe that's the brothers best like to say, "I love you." :-)

And where's the sister in all of this? In her room probably, occasionally emerging to implore us to "PLEASE keep the boys out of here!." When I was growing up, my sisters and I always wanted a brother. I think Aimee having her fill of brothers, would likely think us crazy for having such a wish, but I know, too, that she loves the ones she long as they STAY OUT of her room!

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