Saturday, April 12, 2008


My posts lately have been way too long, I know, so this one will be short. We had another round of soccer games today, Dave and Ryan taking Aimee to the downtown field, and Chase and I escorting Drew to the much closer Lexington field. In past games, we've noted that neither kids are very agressive toward the ball, so we've worked at home on keeping their eyes on the ball and following their shots. It doesn't matter to me if they are good at soccer, or whatever sport they try, as long as they give it their all - and I was so excited today at Drew's performance. He was focused and very active around the ball, getting the ball up the field several times (just getting it near the desired goal is an accomplishment for his team!), and as a goalie, a position that usually tries his limited attention span, he was awesome! He made some really good stops, and he was so proud of himself. I wondered, too, if our experiment with eliminating artificial colors might actually be paying off. Perhaps his attention and focus is improving on the whole, which would be great for him.
There was a scheduling issue with Aimee's game, so we were able to drive down there and watch her play for a few minutes before her game was cancelled due to rain. She was not so happy with her performance, but I've seen her give it her all at practice, and she has a great time. :-)


Jenny said...

Sounds like they are doing great! I look forward to hearing more about the experiment with artificial colors too.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting about the artificial colors. I had thought about that with some of the kids' eczema. Also, refined sugar, but that is soooo hard to eliminate!