Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Well actually, I, who have whatever is the opposite of a green thumb, have had success this year with our garden (so far!), and it is growing quite well. We've had salad on three nights solely from my lettuce garden, and it's still growing - although it was raided today, along with some of the newly sprouted corn, by some of the chickens, and I lost a couple of my finest lettuces. :-( I guess I can make the sacrifice more or less cheerfully, however, if the pest-control mission I sent them on will eventually prove successful. (We saw not a single roach, and hardly any other insects, during our time at our Gray Court house, the backyard of which the chickens were allowed to roam more or less freely, so my theory is that now that I am seeing some unwanted guests here, letting the chickens out more often mights again be cheap extermination. But this IS the Midlands...) At any rate, everything else in the garden is growing fabulously, and I have high hopes for a good yield. As I mentioned, the lettuce garden has been doing well already, the peas are climbing fences, the tomato and pepper plants are thriving after being set in a few weeks ago, broccoli, corn, cucumber, and carrots are coming up at different stages, and there are even pumpkin vines coming up in a pumpkin patch we made near the barn. I planted watermelon and cantaloupe that haven't come up yet, and I still have to plant the green beans (around a bean tepee we're working on) as well as the strawberries (which I know I'm doing a little late, but we'll see...). I have things planted all over the yard, but these are some views of the main garden. (Don't make fun of me, those of you who are better gardeners!) :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow, Anne! The garden sounds great. I am the opposite of green thumb, too. I can kill even the easiest of house plants. We had a fairly successful garden about 5 years ago, and would love to do one again, but circumstances just keep me from it.

Jenny said...

I'm totally impressed! The only green thing in our yard is the weeds. ;)

Hannah said...

What?! That is totally impressive, stop apologizing! ;-) I WISH our garden looked like that. After the chickens and squirrels raided everything in sight last year, we sorta lost momentum and it is a mere shred of its former self. You go girl!