Saturday, April 12, 2008

An Apology

By, the way, I know I'm shamefully stealing ideas from other people's blogs. :-) Do forgive, those of you against whom I have trespassed. Jenny, you never need worry, because I could never match your creativity and skill. I love your new layout!


Jenny said...

Shoot, I didn't even notice...complaining about DH's is hardly a copyrightable topic! ;)

Hannah said...

No, I like what you have and hey, none of us are that original -- we all steal! Your blog is still quite your own. Like the movie review section, and the One Year Bible thing; I may try that online. BTW, the way to do the book-list like I did, if you still want to know, is to become an Amazon Associate, and then it kind of walks you through the process. I totally recommend First Mothers, since you asked for ideas!

And yea for the soccer players!