Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Light at the End of the Tunnel - and the Collapse That Blocked It!

Last week we experienced some major setbacks in the house purchase, and because I was already stressed and packing-weary, as well feeling a little under the weather, I decided (a much calmer word for what actually transpired!) to come to my Mom's for a break. I came Tuesday evening and only meant to stay for a day or two, but it's Saturday and we're still here! I like to tell myself that I'm trusting the Lord for the situation with the house and the move, but I've still been experiencing a good deal of general anxiety (though much less and less often since I've been with my Mom), so perhaps I have not fully given this all over to Him. I think I'm ready to go back home and tackle the packing again, though, and praying for perfect peace and contentment, in the midst of this and of everything else going on. After taking a steaming bath in my sister's garden tub earlier in the week, and again after the facial my Mom sent me to get yesterday, I realized just how tense I've been and how crummy our days have been lately. I want to change that, but there are all these things and emotions we need to sort through first, I think. I hope that the move, which is now scheduled for later next week, will be the first step - if it will ever happen. :-)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes we just need our moms - no matter what our age!

Jenny said...

Just a few more can do it. Things will be so much better once this move is behind you!