Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Morning

“Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”

That's one of our favorite quotes from The Hobbit, and it really has nothing to do at all with this post. It's just fun.

So. It's been a really long time since I've been here. I've actually started a few posts, when I've stolen snatches of time, but they've just never really come together, and I don't really know why. We've been busy enough and have done plenty of interesting things in the last few months.

At any rate, I'm sitting here in a quiet moment, having a cup of coffee and watching the falling snow, and I'm determined to get something - anything - out there in the blogging world again! A recap of our last few months would take too long. An update about how everyone is doing would probably be boring. So perhaps this one will just be a "hello, I'm still here" sort of post. And here I am, indeed. Any minute the munchkins upstairs - but some of them aren't quite munchkins anymore, are they!? - will wake and dispel the quiet. Hopefully they won't be too dismayed to discover that purposeful learning is on the agenda today!

So good morning, friends. Hope to back soon with something a bit more substantial and edifying.

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