Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Path to Contentment

OK, maybe it's more like "a step toward contentment." I am trying to remember to "give thanks in all things," so here goes. I am thankful:

for my outdated ecru refrigerator;
for our dogs and their...well, for our dogs;
for always feeling short of money;
for not knowing whether or not we'll be making enough money in, say, September;
for the weeds that thrive in my backyard (they are such a lovely green, at any rate);
for unfinished projects,
for the indelible pen marks on my leather couch...

I don't think there's always a reason for every little thing that happens, but on the whole, I am thankful for all these things because I am forced to accept that I am not perfect and cannot maintain perfection. I am forced to choose between letting myself go crazy with ceaseless striving against the air, OR trusting the Lord for things that seem improbable or even possible. If I had everything I wanted when I wanted it, I would be the most insufferable snob. And I would not have the opportunity to come anywhere near the elusive state of contentment. So here I am, trying to make the most of an opportunity.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Amen. Sounds a LOT like the thought/prayer process I go through daily!