Saturday, May 7, 2011

Catching Up, Part 2

I felt like my last post was rather disjointed - getting rusty is what comes of going over a month without writing - so I want to tie up a few loose ends and make a couple additions.

First of all, I hope that what came across was simply that health and wellness is not a luxury. It's not just ok, but it's actually good and worthwhile pursuit for women and mothers (and men, too, of course). That pursuit doesn't have to involve eliminating dairy (which food food group isn't evil in and of itself) or starting a course of medication (which certainly may not be for everyone). Those steps have been part of what has been working for me. Happier, healthier me = happier, healthier family. My encouragement for other mothers is to shed the guilt and do what works for them to acheive this same equation. (And on a related note, Hannah has some great encouragement and tips on the subject of clothing, another area I've been inspired to work on, but which I'll let her do the writing! I also can't get close to her sense of style, so her pictures will be ever so much more inspiring than any I could take.)

Second, April was good in many ways, but there were some low points as well. Our trampoline finally bit the dust, and while this may sound trivial, it truly is sad news. That trampoline was one of the best things we ever purchased, because I'm not exaggerating when I say that the kids never grew tired of it, and would spend hours each day on it. When we took it down a couple weeks ago, it was only a short time before the boys started bouncing off the walls and the furniture, and I could almost literally feel the pent-up energy building within them, energy that would ordinarily be burned off on said trampoline. So I'm mourning its demise as much as the kids are, and I don't think it's too frivolous a request to be praying for a new one. Soon. Please?

Other bad news - and this really is a problem - is that the tenants in our house in SC moved out, suddenly and without intending to tell us. One of our neighbors alerted us to the situation, and we eventually got to the bottom of things. But the fact remains that we didn't collect April's rent, there obviously won't be any for May, and the house is now empty. And we are 500+ miles away and not exactly sure of how to proceed. It's one of those times that's so bad that we're beyond panic mode, and can only view it as an interesting turn of events, an opportunity for God do something we obviously haven't thought of yet. So. We'll see what happens in that area!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Yikes! That would be my worry with renters. Hope you get someone soon (who will pay you and take care of your house).