Friday, August 1, 2008


This may ony be shocking for those of you know who have known me for a very long time (i.e. Carrie!), but here it is...

Our history chapter this week touched on some of the early French explorers who attempted settlements in Canada, so one of the suggested literature books is Anne of Green Gables. Susan Wise Bauer admits that this is not a study of 17th-century Quebec, but insists, correctly, that AGG is just something every child should read, so why not now? Well, it happens that I own, as my dear aforesaid friend Carrie would know best, the entire Anne of Green Gables series - battered and torn after numerous readings and re-rereadings. I own two copies of the first book, and one has perfectly "good feeling paper," according to my Aimee's all-important standards, thus I have already tried repeatedly, with a variety of low-key tactics, to introduce Aimee to this delightful literary world. But... MY daughter wants nothing to do with of Anne of Green Gables!It's almost unbelievable, and if you knew me in my early years, you would know just how unbelievable. I think I shall have to resort to making it the next read-aloud, or perhaps I could find it on CD - there's something always interesting to my children about a book on CD or tape.

The littles ones are beginning to wake and emerge...the day begins!


Jenny said...

Awww...that's one of my favorite series from childhood as well. Around here, anything I suggest is good is almost always automatically rejected. *sigh*

Hannah said...

Oh that is TRAGIC! I will be crushed if this happens with my girls, but maybe with two I have a better chance? :-) You know what, though? I didn't commence my Anne-mania phase until about age 9.5, and I was a voracious reader. So maybe give her a year or two or three and try again? Surely she'll see the light one day ... ;-)

Anonymous said...

GASP! A little girl NOT like Anne of Green Gables?!?!?! That's one of the things I most look forward to introducing to Elisabeth... Anne, you're going to have to do something about Aimee's disinterest in AGG!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how could she not love Anne with an "e"? Maybe she just needs more time. :)