Friday, December 28, 2007

Wanting to Escape, but the Enemy is Within...:-)

As I mentioned in previous posts, we weathered a stomach bug here the week before Christmas, and we were happy to have put it to rest in time for an enjoyable holiday. Imagine my umpleasant surprise, then, when Drew woke me in the wee hours of Wednesday this week, calmly announcing that he had been sick His stomach was upset a few hours into the morning after that, but then we went to the health food store and bought some yogurt and acidophilus (Dave had just left for Charleston, so I had no choice but to take everyone out). My hope was that Drew had just irritated his sensitive and still recovering stomach when he had loaded up on chocolate and other treats on Christmas, and that restoring the balance in everyone's stomachs would prevent any future incidents. But very early this morning, I heard suspicious sounds in the, it couldn't be!!! Alas, it was Aimee succumbing yet again. The good news for me is that she is so mature and collected in this situation (which, incidentally, I think is very strange - she can't tolerate the feeling of construction paper or having her hair brushed, but she can handle being sick, one of the worst feelings in the world, I think), so there's no cleaning up after her. The bad news is that this looks like something new we're dealing with, and Ryan never experienced the first one. Can he dodge the bullet twice? It wouldn't be quite so bad if Dave weren't out of town...wait, it almost would! I simply loathe this kind of thing! :-) Besides, it seems like we've been sick almost continually since we moved, despite my efforts at boosting immuine systems and disinfecting everything. It's my great hope that the little boys will escape this time, though, since both are nursing and I'm working so hard to finally kill these nasty little bugs!


Jenny said...

Oh, no! I feel your pain on the constant sickness, we're just getting over some stomach yuckiness ourselves. Seems like it's just one thing after another. *sigh*

Hope this one passes quickly and that some of you manage to escape this one!

Anonymous said...

I know it's so hard when the kids are sick. We have been sick a lot this season too. I remember two years ago the kids came down with this stomach bug the day we were going to begin our school year and somebody was throwing up every day for three weeks! And it seemed to always happen in the middle of the night. Ugh!