Saturday, December 22, 2007

Quick Update

Well, we surived Ryan's croup (without a trip to the ER or the doctor), although the rest of us weathered colds afterwards. Shortly after a long battle with that virus, Chase woke me early on my birthday morning earlier this week with his first stomach virus. *sigh* That virus has now run through everyone but Ryan - the odds are steadily rising that he'll escape unscathed, although we're prepared tonight just in case. :-) If tonight goes well, we're going up to my mom's tomorrow for a Christmas get-together with family. We'll be back the same day, though, and plan to spend Christmas completely at home for the first time...well, ever! I had planned to write more, but I still have some things to do before crashing tonight - and I'm so tired! More later.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sorry about your barf-y birthday, no fun! Hope you enjoy your family gathering tomorrow. We're doing a quiet Christmas, too, and I think it's great! :)