Friday, October 18, 2013

How Do You...

I was at a La Leche League meeting one evening last week, and we doing a meeting called "How Do You...", in which the mothers discuss how to do common chores and errands that are made more challenging with the arrival of a new baby. One of the "How Do You..." topics is "...take a shower," and as the other mothers were discussing how to find time to do that, someone asked me how I've managed it with my crew, and I mentioned happily that it really is much easier now that all my kids are older.

Yesterday's shower was a great example of just how easy it is, in fact.

I was in the bathroom for maybe a minute, when the first knock sounded on the door.

"I'm in the bathroom," I said automatically. Whatever it is can wait, right? One would think. But it was one of the boys announcing that a package we had been waiting for had arrived. I assured him I would take care of it when I got out.

Thirty seconds later, another knock - "But Chase is trying to open it!"

"Well, I'm taking a shower and I can't deal with it right now, but I'll take care of it as soon as I get out."

Thirty seconds later - "I tried to stop him, and now he's trying to throw something at me!"

"I'm in the BATHROOM! Leave him alone, and I'll take care of everything as soon as I get out!"

Sixty seconds before the next knock, just when I was starting to think they had resolved it without injury. Well, they had, but it was another child, who had come to say that the younger boys had moved on to checking on the toad they had found the day before. They had, it seemed, decided that it was too cold in the habitat they had made for it in the garage, and they were trying to move it inside.

"NO!" I started to say, but then considered the scene that would probably ensue - one child trying to be helpful in preventing the other two from bringing in a big container full of water and an energetic toad eager to escape. So I stated again that I was IN THE SHOWER, and that I would take care of everything and everyone really soon. 

Ten seconds later, a smaller knock, then the door opened. It was Scarlett. "Mommy, you're taking a shower?"

"Yes, but I just need to wash my hair and I'll be right out."

"Okay. I'll count to twenty."

Twenty seconds - how generous! Or more like 15, since some numbers get lost in the counting. Or actually like ten, because then she said urgently, "But I have to go potty!"

So, shower over. See how easy that was?

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