Wednesday, October 1, 2014

And Another....

Also...high school work makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes. But in the midst of figuring out how to balance all of that's my 9th grade daughter blogging about her novel writing.

Novel writing.

P.S. I feel I should add that I am not at all trying to exalt my children unrealistically - I'm just reminding myself that there are great things happening even when I feel like I'm failing. I really can't stand when moms post on homeschooling forums about the "trouble" they're having with their children who are just "so far ahead in math," or "reading way above their grade level." "Is this normal? Should I be worried? Whatever shall I do?" those moms innocently inquire. Perhaps they really are unaware of how obnoxious this sounds, or perhaps it's a roundabout way of boasting about their "advanced" children. (I want to suggest that they wait a couple of years before "lamenting" about how far ahead their children are, but I usually refrain. The last time I chimed in on one of these conversations, I got reamed for being "negative" about homeschooling.) In any case, I am really NOT trying to imply that here. We have our share of struggles, folks. We definitely have those days on which I can be heard saying, "We've been doing Saxon math for a hundred years! How can you not remember that concept?" or "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A VERB IS?" Except I never raise my voice. Ever.

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