Friday, May 11, 2012

In Which We Get "Nothing" Done

As the weather warms and our school year wanes, we are finding it harder each day to have "official" school days. I have even been trying block scheduling - just doing one subject each day - to help get things done with minimum torture. Even then, yesterday we did no "school" whatsoever. All we did was...

  Play outside in the beautiful sunshine.

 Bake a chocolate cake.

  Read. A lot.

 (Drew spent most of the day with The Mysterious Benedict Society, Aimee read a book she dowloaded on her Nook from the library's digital collection, and the other three and I read through the stacks and stacks of picture books we brought home from recent library trips.)

Play at being pirates (note the bloodied rags). Later they were knights, kings, and superheros.

Plant our vegetable garden.

So, you know...a total waste of a day.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yeah, aren't you supposed to be educating those kids? ;-)