Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Short Ramble

Dave is still working out of town, and I think we are all very weary of it. I have been wallowing this week in a grand pity party. School is not moving along very well at all, my house isn't clean (and YES, it MATTERS to ME!), and I seem to have lost all connections with any personal talents, skills, or even interests. Sigh. I feel like I am failing at everything. While perusing other blogs, I think I saw something that Hannah wrote about wandering down roads one shouldn't travel, and here I am taking a stroll along this avenue of self-pity! And it appears I haven't anything really to say, which rather confirms my suspicion that I have even lost touch with my very modest writing skills.

But Ryan's bedtime prayer tonight was worth mentioning. I've been encouraging him in his praying, hoping to nudge him from simply spouting a few obligatory lines to the air, to actually communicating with his Creator, and he's responded very thoughtfully. Tonight, he said, "Dear God, thank you for the duck and the chick [new additions to our backyard]. Thank you for dying. And thank you for being alive. [WOW!] And thank you we're not dead! Amen."

Chase also made me smile today when he was waving a plastic sword at his brothers, and occasionally hitting them with it. They objected, of course, and I warned him to stop hitting them. "But I just 'tending! [pretending]" Apparently he's added this to the list of magic words he's heard that make anything okay.

None of that, put together anyway, made any sense. But I'm leaving it and going to bed!


Hannah said...

Hey Anne. I think your feelings, and fatigue, are totally understandable. I know I've said this before, but I cannot imagine homeschooling four young children all day with a husband OOT. Seriously.

That said, His grace that's promised IS sufficient for you. And if you don't have the strength to claim it for yourself, I will be praying for you...

Jenny said...

Hang in're a great mother, and your 4 kids prove that! (((hugs)))