Monday, November 10, 2008

Just in case...

I listed one of the books we were reading as simply "Despereaux," when actually it's titled "The Tale of Despereaux" (by Kate Dicamillo). I'm changing it now, just in case anyone might have been perusing our book lists. It's definitely a worthwhile read, and a perfect read-aloud. As we were reading it, we discussed such concepts as perfidy (one of the many great vocabulary words peppered throughout the book!) and forgiveness, the latter of which was highlighted beautifully in several touching examples.

On a totally different subject, by the way, I've been "tagged," and I haven't forgotten it, but I have found myself in the rather pathetic position of not knowing seven other bloggers to tag!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

The Tale of Despereaux is indeed a jewel worth savoring. The audiobook is even more delicious, as the narrator pours those words into your ears: "perfidy" and "listener" (instead of "reader") etc.